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Friday, April 30, 2010

Fun Friday: American Holly Tree

Today for the new Fun Friday I'll be telling you about the American Holly Tree(Well be doing trees for Fun Friday for now.).

The American Holly is the cousin of the Dahoon Holly.Averaging up to 50 feet in height it is a medium sized tree normally found in sandy,sandy,soil unlike It's cousin which is found in the swamps where all the soil there is mush.The flowers of this tree are I'm guessing purple and are found in big clumps.If you don't know what clumped is just think of a bunch of magnets attached to a stove in the same spot.The bark of this particular tree is gray almost black,rough,and rather thin.The twigs are slender,a light brown like color,and glabrous what ever that means.The leaves 2-4 inches long and are sharp!They are yellowish green on the top of the leaf however the bottem is more yellow than the top.The fruit of the tree is red with with usually one seed in it.

That's my report on the American Holly for this week's Fun Friday.The End.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Weeks Two and Three Of Rotten Log Experiment

Today I'm going to tell you about what I saw under my log experiment for week 2 and 3.

Week 2.
On week two of my log experiment the log is starting to fall apart!There was only a little grass under the log because it was all mushed into the ground.We saw a cricket,rollypollys,spiders,ants,termites,and a fly.The top not as cracked because we got some rain the day before we checked but it still was cracked.

Week 3.
What I saw under my log experiment for week 3 was all sorts of animals.I saw lots of ants,crickets,no spiders for some reason I don't know,one caterpillar which seemed to be acting like it was dead,and at least 3 rollypollys.The grass underneath the log was even more smooshed into the ground then week 2 and on the top of the log big pieces where starting to fall off.

That's what I saw on my log experiment for week 2 and 3.The End.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Fishy Monday Queen Angelfish

Today for Fishy Monday I'll be telling you about the Queen Angelfish.

The Queen Angelfish is one of the biggest,and possibly the biggest,Angelfish found!Averaging to up to 18in,equal to 1ft and 1/2,this is truly the queen of the reef.The Queen Angelfish has that name because it has a strange black spot on the top of the head surrounded by a litter blue than the body which represents a crown.The body of a Queen Angelfish is a blue head and chin,a yellow face and body,a bright yellow tail,and like any big angelfish long fin like hairs that go around the tail.It is a omnivore feeding on Corals and Algae.It is rare but the Queen Angelfish has been known to mate with another species of Angelfish called the Blue Angelfish forming a animal called a hybrid.For all you youngsters out there who read my Blog and don't know what a hybrid is here is your answer.A hybrid is a creature when two different species mate with each other making a new species for instance if a monkey matted with a elephant you might end up with a thing called a Monkeyphant.I do not know the name of the Angelfish that you get when a Queen Angelfish mate with each other.

That's my report on the Queen Angelfish.The End.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fun Friday The Letter Z: Zebras

Today for the last post on Fun Friday I will be telling you about Zebras.

The Zebra is a member of the horse and donkey family that is found in Africa.Each stripe on a Zebra is different in it's own special way.It is rare but you can sometimes find a albino Zebra,as seen up in the left hand corner.The mare of a Zebra kind of sits right on it's back which makes it different from most horses.Also unlike there cousins the horse and donkey most Zebras are not domesticated.They are too wild and will not obey there masters orders.They rang in size to about 4-5 feet and weigh up to 400 pounds.
they are herbivorous and usually at the grass of the plains that they live on but they also eat twigs,bushes,bark and more.The reason they can eat all that stuff is because they have very good adaptable stomachs.A Female horse has about 1 foal per year and the baby's are brown and white unlike there parents which are black and white.

That's my report on the Zebra hope you enjoyed the Fun Friday event.The End.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Fishy Monday The Chocolate Surgeon

Today for Fishy Monday I will be telling you about the Chocolate Surgeon.

The Chocolate Surgeon is a type of Surgeon that lives in the Pacific Ocean.Averaging to about 25cm long it is a herbivore feeding on Algae.What I like about this fish is that it belongs to the Surgeon and Tang group,my family has a Tang named after our last name the Thompson's Tang,what I don't like about this fish is that the color of it is so strange,seriously I feel like I'm looking at a piece of dirt with a banana at the end any who you can like it if you want to but if you ask me I say it wont win any beauty pageant.The description of a Chocolate tang is a brownish black body with a yellow tail.

That's my report on the Chocolate tang.The End. P.S.,tune in next week to meet the most beautiful fish yet,the ..... angelfish.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Fun Friday The Letter Y: The Yak

Today for Fun Friday I will be telling you about the Yak for the letter Y.

The Yak is the largest individual in the Bison family.They can be at height of 7.2 feet at the shoulder and weigh up to 1,000 pound's but It's rare.The Females are slightly smaller than the males.Both Males and Females have horns.Yaks can live up to 20 years old.They are normally black or brown but you can also find Albino Yaks.They are found in North and Southern Asia and are found in forest and Mountain like areas.

That's my report on the Yak.The End. P.S. Next week is the last week of Fun Friday hope you enjoyed this weekly special.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Week One Of Rotten Log Science Experiment

What I saw under my log experiment for week one was a whole ecosystem of life!I saw Earwigs,Rolly pollys,tons of Spiders,and I think I saw a termite.The grass underneath was all moist and dead and the top of the log was rotten and cracked.That's what I saw under my log experiment for week one.The End.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Fishy Monday The Gold Flake Angelfish

Today for Fishy Monday I'm going to tell you about the Gold Flake Angelfish.

The Gold Flake Angelfish is one of the most rare of angels or at least it use to be,recently they has been thriving I don't know how.
It is found in the Central Pacific and can grow up to 7.9 inches.It is a omnivore feeding on all sorts of creatures from shrimp to coral but it normally prefers algae.The description is a brownish gold body with bright gold dots.The mouth and nose are blue and the tail fins are black with a strip of blue.

I saw one on sale for 500 dollars on a fish sight.That's my report on the Gold Flake Angelfish.The End.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Fun Friday The Letter X: Xray Fish

Today for Fun Friday I'm going to tell you about the X-ray Fish.

The X-ray fish is one of the popular fish that you can find in a tank.It ranges in size of 1.75 inches and weighs less than a pound.It is a fresh water fish living in usually hard water.It is a Omnivorous fish feeding on usually feeding on fresh water shrimp and algae.

That's my report on the X-ray fish.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Fishy Monday Maroon Clownfish

Today for Fishy Monday I will be telling you about a personal favorite of mine,the Maroon Clownfish.

The Maroon Clownfish is one of the biggest of clownfish and also one of the nastiest.It will attack any fish that comes to it's anemone such as other Maroon Clownfish while it's smaller relatives such as the Percula Clownfish can share a anemone with up to 5 individuals.It is carnivore feeding mainly on shrimp.Like I said it lives in a anemone like other Clownfish but this Clownfish likes a certain kind of anemone,the Bubble Anemone.It takes care of the Anenome by feeding it pieces of it's food while the Bubble Anemone helps the Maroon Clownfish from becoming food.There are three different kinds of Maroon Clownfish.1,the commen White stripe Maroon Clown,2 the yellow stripe Maroon Clown,and 3 the rare Lightning Maroon Clownfish.The usual size of a Maroon Clownfish is 6 inches but they can be as short as 4 inches.The place the Maroon Clownfish can normally be found is the Western Pacific.

That's my report on the Maroon Clownfish for this weeks Fishy Monday. The End.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Fun Friday Letter W: Walrus

Today for Fun Friday I'm going to tell you about the walrus.

The walrus is a big water mammal that is brown to tan,like me,and feeds on things like soft corals,crabs,and mollusks(or clams as most people call them.).They are a member of the seal family mostly related to the manatee.It only has two main predators which are the Polar Bear and the Killer Whale A.K.A. the Orca.At a length of almost 25 feet a Killer Whale can easily kill a walrus in the water and on land!,They have been known to come up on the sand bar and grab a walrus right from under its feet.There are mainly three different kinds of walrus.The Atlantic,Pacific,and Laptev Walrus.A walrus colony can be up to 200,000 walrus that's more than the city of Tampa,a lot more.

That's my report on the Walrus for Fun Friday.The End.