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Friday, July 8, 2011
Fishy Friday: Emperor Angelfish
Before we get on with the post I'd like to say I'm sorry If I haven't been doing many posts,between birthdays and other things I really haven't had the time.But now I'm back and for the first Fishy Friday post of July,I present to my viewers the Emperor Angelfish!
The Emperor Angelfish is a beautiful Angelfish known for its color and size. Its amazingly colorful in and out of its adult stage.The adults reach lengths of 4 to 6 inches,but have been known to reach up to 12 inches! The adult Emperor Angelfish is the picture at the top.Their body is covered in yellow and blue stripes,or is it blue and yellow stripes...Any who,their tail and dorsal fin is bright yellow while the gill section and bottom are a dark black color. I like to call it the Bandit of the Oceans because its face is covered by a black,mask like patch.Their mouths are a chalk white color,probably from feeding on coral all day? My mom wants me to hurry up on the post,so I don't have enough time to describe the juvenile and sub-adult.The pics are up top. Back to the post! This species of Angelfish,like many,is found all over the place. From Easter Island to Japan,Africa to Australia,these fish sure get around <---- ---->.They live down deep too,up to 300 feet!That's a fish with a destiny to explore. This fish is an omnivore,feeding on fish and coral.
That's my report on the Emperor Angelfish.I got the pictures and info from The End.
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