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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Outsiders ten week book report and final exam

So my mom made me write a book report about The Outsiders this week, 300 words, and the final stage is putting it on my blog. So here we go.

The Outsiders is a book written by S. E. Hinton. The Story takes places in the 1980s. The story is about a young man named Ponyboy. Ponyboy is a Greaser, or a gangster or a hoodlum. They're called Greasers because of how much, well, grease they put in their hair. They are currently at a war with the Socs (or Socials), the neighborhood rich kids. They treat them like trash. The story is based off of real life events between rival gangs in the major city's of America. But the Greasers fight back. Sure they don't always win, but its better then being pushed around all the time. Ponyboy has two brothers, both older then him; Sodapop and Darry. Sodapop works in a gas station store, and Darry helps by transporting lumber for construction work. One day Darry hit Ponyboy because he didn't listen to him, and Ponyboy ran away. He went to go ask his friend Johnny if he'd run away with him. He happily obliged (his parents abused him) so they ran away to the park. When they got arrived they found a group of Socs waiting for them. They nearly drown Ponyboy in the fountain, but Johnny stabs and kills their leader. Frightened, they retreat. Johnny and Ponyboy flee town to an abandoned church in the mountains. They live there for a while, but after the church was set ablaze Johnny broke his back saving some kids from the fire. Johnny was in critical condition. While he was in the hospital, Ponyboy and the gang beat the Socs in a final duel., driving them out of town. Johnny died in the hospital. Ponyboy was asked to write an essay on something, so he wrote about this story. The End.

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